Atlanta Center for Gastroenterology, PC
& Atlanta Endoscopy Center, LTD
Offices of David Rausher, M.D., F.A.C.G., A.G.A.F., and Charles Parrish, M.D.
"I founded Atlanta Center for Gastroenterology & Atlanta Endoscopy Center to provide high-quality, patient-centered, personalized care to community members in need.
What differentiates us is the family-oriented, personalized experience we provide. Our top focus is on the people that we serve. We treat every patient as a unique individual -each with his or her own personalized needs, and tailored treatment of care.
Our practice's model is based on quality over quantity. Though others may aim for efficiency through high volume, we are steadfast in our belief to always make patient-care priority #1, and to provide the highest quality of care possible at all times.
We are not doctors who view their patients as medical record numbers, rather than as human beings. Our core principals & the fundamental approach we take in providing care is quite opposite; centered on patient-first, humanistic, personalized healthcare."
-David B. Rausher, MD

New ACS Guidelines for Colonoscopy (May 2018)
Screening colonoscopy for both men & women
now recommended at age 45.